We are endeavoring to teach and strengthen commitment to the way of peace that Jesus taught. Here are some resources that passionately uphold Jesus’ teaching of not resisting evil.

Dean Taylor. What should a Christian do with Jesus’ words, “Love your enemies?” Is it all right for a Christian to go to war? Doesn’t a Christian have an obligation to defend his country? Dean Taylor and his wife Tania were both in the U. S. A [...]Add to Cart $10.95

Can Christians participate in war? On March 28, 2014, this question was debated in Faneuil Hall in Boston. Arguing that Christians cannot and must not participate in war were David Bercot and Dean Taylor. Arguing for the position that Christia [...]Audio 2 CD set $5.902 Digital Download Set $2.50

In late 2015, Dean Taylor led an inspiring symposium on nonresistance that included three stirring messages from Taylor, as well as three informative question-and-answer sessions. In this six-CD set, Taylor takes the listener through the Scrip [...]Add to Cart $1.00

John M Brenneman. The nation was torn in two by the strife of the Civil War, yet there were some who dared to question whether Christians could possibly participate in the killing. In 1863, soon after the Battle of Gettysburg, John M. Brennema [...]Add to Cart $4.95

This stimulating book contains 17 true stories about Christians who returned love for hate and good for evil. It takes courage to live by Jesus’ teachings of loving our enemies and returning good for evil. Sometimes the results are dramatic—an [...]Add to Cart $9.95

In late 2015, Dean Taylor led an inspiring symposium on nonresistance that included three stirring messages from Taylor, as well as three informative question-and-answer sessions. In this DVD set, Taylor takes the listener through the Scriptur [...]Add to Cart $1.00

Can Christians participate in war? On March 28, 2014, this question was debated in Faneuil Hall in Boston. Arguing that Christians cannot and must not participate in war were David Bercot and Dean Taylor. Arguing for the position that Christia [...]DVD Video Disc $5.95

Andrew V Ste Marie and Mike Atnip. For Centuries, little was remembered about Jakob Ammann except his role in the division which split the Swiss Brethren into Amish and Mennonite factions. But in the last 30 years, new research has shed light [...]Add to Cart $10.95

Can Christians participate in war? On March 28, 2014, this question was debated in Faneuil Hall in Boston. Arguing that Christians cannot and must not participate in war were David Bercot and Dean Taylor. Arguing for the position that Christia [...]MP3 Audio CD $3.95

Should the cross be fused to the sword? Should Christianity be allied to the state and fight in its wars? Is such a marriage even possible? This booklet is the transcript of a debate, with one side saying such a union is impossible, the other [...]Add to Cart $5.95

Our popular book, The Kingdom that Turned the World Upside Down, is now available in French. The French edition is entitled Le royaume qui a renverse le monde. Paper. 256 pp. Quantity$9.95