David Bercot. If you were able to go back to the year 100 A.D. and attend a Christian worship service, what would you experience? Would you hear a sermon? Would you sing hymns? What day of the week would it have been-and what time of day? In this unique message, Bercot takes you to the actual writings of the early Christians to provide you with a window to see for yourself what their weekly services were like.
60 minute audio message
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David Bercot. If you were able to go back to the year 100 A.D. and attend a Christian worship service, what would you experience? Would you hear a sermon? Would you sing hymns? What day of the week would it have been-and what time of day? In this unique message, Bercot takes you to the actual writings of the early Christians to provide you with a window to see for yourself what their weekly services were like.
60 minute audio message
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D. Bercot. One of the most puzzling passages of Scripture is 1 Cor. 15:29, where Paul twice mentions “baptism for the dead.” What was this? Was this something orthodox Christians practiced? The earliest explanation we have of this practice was [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

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Review Audio: An Early Christian Worship Service.