David Bercot. Many Christians today claim that the church founded by the apostles lost most of the apostles’ doctrine within a generation. In fact, people say that the first century church was already losing the apostolic faith while the apostles were still living. In other words, the apostles were failures
65 minute audio message
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David Bercot. During the past 2000 years, men and women have started thousands of churches and denominations. Although founded by mere humans, the theological beliefs of these churches usually remain unchanged for centuries. For example, Calvinists today hold to nearly every tenet of what Calvin preached almost 500 years ago.
Yet, many Christians today claim that the church founded by the apostles lost most of the apostles’ doctrine within a generation. In fact, people say that the first century church was already losing the apostolic faith while the apostles were still living. In other words, the apostles were failures! They couldn’t accomplish what thousands of mere humans have been able to do ever since.
But is this really the case? In this message, Bercot challenges this outrageous view of the apostles and their ministry. He shows from Scripture and history that the apostles effectively fulfilled the commission given them by Christ.
65 minute audio message
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