Pulling Together as a Sister and Brother

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Our newest loan recipient is a hardworking young lady facing a world of uncertainties, but pressing forward in her small business. Her name is Lilian Matute.

In 2018 Lilian was working as an employee at the largest hardware store in Siguatepeque. At the same time, she was doing some design projects and experimenting with graphics on the side. Lilian is fascinated with graphic design, and she is completely self-taught. She has learned graphic design through doing her own projects and by getting tips and suggestions from various friends and colleagues. Her talent was obvious from the beginning, and so she decided she could attempt her own small business. At that time, her mom was in the midst of an aggressive battle with cancer, and Lilian felt that she needed more flexibility to take care of her mom. So she left her full-time job at the hardware store and procured a small location right in the center of town. Here she established her new business.

Unfortunately, the business was open for only 19 days before Covid shut it down. After that, Lilian survived like most other Hondurans, trying to get by the best she could—while caring for her sick mom all the while. She did find a few graphics jobs here and there, such as making various stickers and badges for health workers.

In September of last year, Lilian’s mom passed away from cancer, leaving Lilian and her brother Yefry to fend for themselves. They pressed on, and the Lord honored their hard work. In June of this year, they both suffered a rough round of Covid. Her brother was dismissed from his job because he had missed too many days of work with Covid. So Lilian and Yefry decided to rent a location where they could run two small businesses out of one space. Yefry has started a food delivery service based on their mom’s recipes, and Lilian focuses on her revived graphic design and printing business. They both help each other, depending on the various demands at different times.

In August of this year, Lilian’s main stamping machine completely broke down, so she faced yet another challenge. Through another Society loan recipient, Lilian heard about the Society of the Good Shepherd and its interest-free microloan ministry. So she spoke with Luis Vega about a loan, and he brought her a loan application. The board approved her loan last month, and Lilian promptly purchased a new stamping machine.

Ever since getting the new machine, Lilian has been swamped with orders for graphics projects of all types. She has produced several products for a dental clinic, an order for shirts with insignias, a church anniversary gift, and many different items for Panacam. Panacam is a national rain forest park located about 20 miles from Siguatepeque. In fact, Panacam has now been requesting products on a regular basis.

Since 2012 Lilian and her brother have been part of the Missionary Church for Jesus, and she has consistently helped with the children’s ministry and Sunday school. She has a loving and dynamic personality, which she has used for the good of the Kingdom. She has experienced God’s grace through all the many events since beginning her business. Although the future is always uncertain, Lilian knows she will face it with her brother by her side and the Lord going before them.     

Julie Nyhoff de Valladares    

The Society of the Good Shepherd, P. O. Box 122, Amberson, PA 17210 • (717) 349-7033

Click on the following link if you would care to make a donation to the work in Honduras: Honduras Donations