We offer a large selection of a capella music. To see a complete song list for each CD, simply click on the picture or the title of that CD.

17 acappella hymns and gospel songs sung beautifully by the Antrim Chorale. This CD is in a plastic CD case. These songs were chosen specifically to be a source of comfort and encouragement. Includes I Will Sing the Wondrous Story, O Safe to t [...]

17 acappella hymns and gospel songs sung beautifully by the Antrim Chorale. These songs were chosen specifically to be a source of comfort and encouragement. Includes I Will Sing the Wondrous Story, O Safe to the Rock, and The Old Rugged Cross [...]

Antrim Ladies’ Ensemble. Contains fifteen hymns and worship songs, including Nearer My God to Thee, Sing Alleluia, He Restoreth My Soul, and If that Isn’t Love. Music CD. $2.00 $13.95 You Save $7.00 SPECIAL! Quantity

18 acappella hymns and gospel songs sung beautifully by the Antrim Mennonite Choir. This is the same Antrim Mennonite Choir CD that we have sold for years, except in comes in a glossy, full-color paper sleeve. See below for complete song list. [...]

18 acappella hymns and gospel songs sung beautifully by the Antrim Mennonite Choir. This is the same Antrim Mennonite Choir CD that we have sold for years, except in comes in a glossy, full-color paper sleeve. See below for complete song list. [...]

Only $2.00 each when you purchase 10 or more 18 acappella hymns and gospel songs sung beautifully by the Antrim Mennonite Choir. These songs were chosen specifically to be a source of comfort and encouragement. Includes Amazing Grace, Rock of [...]

18 acappella hymns and gospel songs sung beautifully by the Antrim Mennonite Choir. These songs were chosen specifically to be a source of comfort and encouragement. Includes Amazing Grace, Rock of Ages, and Someone Is Praying for You. Music C [...]

The Eshes. Seventeen hymns and gospel songs, including Jesus Friend Divine; Where Peace Like A River and God Cares About You. Music CD. $9.95. Quantity

The Eshes. Fourteen hymns and gospel songs, including A Song In The Morning, God's Truth, and Faithful Fathers. Music CD. $9.95 Quantity

The Eshes. Eighteen hymns and gospel songs, including Lord, I Am Fondly, Earnestly Longing; Our God Shall Come; and Song Of The Redeemed. Music CD. $9.95 Quantity

The Eshes. Seventeen hymns and gospel songs, including Trust His Heart; My Faith Looks Up To Thee and Some Sweet Day. Music CD. $9.95 Quantity