For more CDs on Christian doctrine, see also “CDs on What the Early Christians Believed.”

Audio: Seeing Christ in Joshua
Audio: Seeing Christ in Joshua

Chuck Pike. You've no doubt read the account of Joshua and the fall of Jericho many times. You may know the story of Rahab and the two spies by heart. But did you realize that these events were prophetic pictures of Christ, the plan of salvati [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Shadows of Christ in the Old Testament
Audio: Shadows of Christ in the Old Testament

David Bercot. Did you know that the Old Testament is loaded with symbols and types of New Testament realities—such as the cross, baptism, communion, the church, the crown of thorns, the crucifixion, and, of course, Jesus Christ Himself? As the [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: The Early Christian Writings and the Textus Receptus
Audio: The Early Christian Writings and the Textus Receptus

David Bercot. Many Christians today believe the Critical Text is the most accurate New Testament text. Others say that the Textus Receptus (the text used for the King James Version) is the providentially preserved pure Word of God. What light [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Were the Apostles Failures?
Audio: Were the Apostles Failures?

David Bercot. Many Christians today claim that the church founded by the apostles lost most of the apostles’ doctrine within a generation. In fact, people say that the first century church was already losing the apostolic faith while the apost [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Were The Early Christian Writings Tampered With?
Audio: Were The Early Christian Writings Tampered With?

D. Bercot. Were The Early Christian Writings Tampered With? One of the questions David Bercot is frequently asked is: How do we know that the early Christian writings haven't been tampered with? Can we really put our complete confidence in the [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: What The Early Christians Believed About Voting and Politics
Audio: What The Early Christians Believed About Voting and Politics

D. Bercot. Is it right for Christians to vote, hold public office, or become absorbed in politics? In this message, Bercot explains what the early Christians believed and practiced concerning these things, and he examines the Scriptures that a [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

Audio: Why Did God Create Man In The First Place
Audio: Why Did God Create Man In The First Place

David Bercot. Almost all churches teach that God originally wanted to fill the earth with obedient children who loved Him. But they say all that changed when Adam and Eve sinned. They say God's original purpose has been forever thwarted and we [...]Audio CD $4.95Digital Download $3.95

CD Set:  Bible Study and Doctrine
CD Set: Bible Study and Doctrine

17 CDs on Doctrine and Bible Study $72.40    $61.25 Special price of only $3.95 per CD when you purchase the entire set of 17 CDs! Scroll Publishing Co. has published 17 teaching CDs by David Bercot on Bible study, Bible doctrine, an [...]61.25

John Chrysostom New Testament Commentary:  PDF Version
John Chrysostom New Testament Commentary: PDF Version

As most of our readers know, we do not recommend the use of modern commentaries. That’s because the information in them is so often inaccurate and untruthful. At the same time, we recognize that many New Testament passages are difficult for th [...]CD ROM $4.95PDF Download $3.95

Make Your Own 10 Audio Message Flash Drive Set
Make Your Own 10 Audio Message Flash Drive Set

Create your own 10 Audio Message Set and we will load the messages you choose onto a flash drive. Please list the messages you want when you place your order. Prices include the 8 MB flash drive. 10 Audio Message Set $41.00 QuantityAdd to Cart $41.00

Make Your Own 20 Audio Message Flash Drive Set
Make Your Own 20 Audio Message Flash Drive Set

Create your own 20 Audio Message Set and we will load the messages you choose onto a flash drive. Please list the messages you want when you place your order. Prices include the 8 MB flash drive. 20 Audio Message Set $65.50 QuantityAdd to Cart $65.50