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Dean Taylor. What should a Christian do with Jesus’ words, "Love your enemies?" Is it all right for a Christian to go to war? Doesn’t a Christian have an obligation to defend his country? Dean Taylor and his wife Tania were both in the U. S. A [...]

This books is a collection of five of Tertullian's works that shed considerable light on what Christian church life was like around the year A.D. 200. Topics covered are entertainment, modest dress, baptism, prayer customs, and the Christian w [...]

David Bercot. God didn’t place us on earth so that we can build our own personal kingdoms. No, He intends for us to make lasting contributions to His Kingdom during our lifetimes. Drawing heavily from Jesus’ parable of the talents (Mt. 25), Be [...]

D. Bercot. In this sequel to Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up, Bercot explains seven common sense principles of document interpretation that will enable the reader to draw from the New Testament Scriptures the meaning intended by the apo [...]

David W. Bercot, editor. This scholarly work collects together over 7000 quotations from the writings of the early Christians, arranged alphabetically by topic. Find out what the early Christians believed on various doctrines and lifestyle iss [...]

D. Bercot. Most western Christians don’t realize that for the first 400 years of Christianity, the Septuagint was the Old Testament used by the Christian Church. Jesus and His apostles almost always quoted from the Septuagint when they quoted [...]

David Bercot. Here is the compelling narrative of the founding of America, told from a perspective that few people have ever heard. That perspective is the kingdom of God. America's currency declares, "In God We Trust." But did the American co [...]

Clement of AlexandriaClement of Alexandria was one of the outstanding teachers of the second century church. After his conversion, Clement traveled throughout the ancient world to learn Christianity first hand form the most respected teachers [...]

Let Go is a collection of some of the best of Fenelon's spiritual letters, translated into contemporary English. Reading this work enables you to sit at the feet of a truly great saint. Kindle $2.99 Audio Cd$4.95

David W. Bercot. Practically everyone in the western world has heard of the man known today as St. Patrick. Yet, hardly anyone knows anything about the real man. About the only two things that most people "know" about Patrick is that he was Ir [...]

David Bercot. Plain Speaking: How to Preach and Teach Effectively takes the reader through all of the steps of developing and delivering an effective sermon or devotional message. Some of the topics covered are: making eye contact with your li [...]