Andrew V. Ste. Marie

Walking in the Resurrection – The Schleitheim Confession in Light of the Scriptures.

On a cold winter day in 1527, a group of persecuted Anabaptists secretly gathered in the town of Schleitheim seeking unity and desiring to clarify where they differed from the established state churches. The Schleitheim Confession was born from that meeting and soon became popular and influential among the Anabaptists-even to this present day.

Should it matter to us today what some persecuted Christians believed nearly 500 years ago? Can the convictions they had be backed up scripturally? This book examines the Schleitheim Confession in light of the Scriptures. The early Anabaptists lived and died for the faith once delivered to the saints, and we can profit from examining their conclusions, comparing them to the Scriptures, and following Christ as they followed Him.
169 pages. Softcover.


Written in 1527, the Schleitheim Confession is the oldest Anabaptist confession of faith. In this new book, Andrew Ste. Marie reviews the history of the confession, including the life of its primary author, Michael Sattler, the printing and distribution of the confession, and the reformers reaction to it. Extensive Scriptural discussion is given on each topic the confession covers: baptism, the Lord’s Supper, separation from the world, nonresistance, the swearing of oaths, and loose “do-as-you-please” Christianity.

For each topic discussed, numerous quotes have been included from other early Anabaptist authors, including Menno Simons, Jakob Ammann, Conrad Grebel, Jakob Hutter, and Peter Riedemann.

169 pages. Softcover. $10.95


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